2022 Officers and Committee Members

As approved at a Ministry Conference on October 24, 2021 – effective January 1, 2022. New nominees are in bold type. * Ex officio members. At a Special-Called Ministry Conference on March 13, 2022, the church approved individuals, shown in red, to fill vacancies.

Corporate & General Officers

Trustees: Francis Hostler, Martin Lucas, Steve Taylor

Secretary/Clerk: Laurel Hostler

Treasurer: Jessica Boucher

Statutory Agent: Jason Stanley

Moderator: Michael Boucher

   Vice Moderator: Erick Rask

   Assistant Clerk: Jessica Boucher

Committee Members

Finance: Jessica Boucher*, JoAnn Ketner, Jodi Jones, Laurel Hostler, 1 At-Large Vacancy

Nominating: Pete Hopkins, Wendi Knowles, Linda Milner, Lisa Owens, Silvia Stanley

Personnel: Hallie Lucas, Jessica Boucher*, Christa Rask, Mary Rothermel

Property & Equipment: Francis Hostler, Martin Lucas, Tony Rios, Rusty Jones

Baptism: Francis and Laurel Hostler, Brent and Jeannie West

Education: (Anyone who teaches is automatically on this committee)
Christina and Norm Kalat, Kathryn Moody (SS Clerk), Debbie Robinson, Erick and Christa Rask, Mike and Jessica Boucher, Jodi Jones, JoAnn and Steve Taylor, Brenda Hogarth, Karen Garman, Mary Rothermel, Francis Hostler.

Kitchen and Hospitality: Laurel Hostler, Steve Taylor, Mary Rothermel, Christina Kalat, Kelly Oglesby

Food Box: Glenda Hardee, Hallie Lucas, Mary Rothermel, Jeannie West, Kathi Zucker

Missions: Laurel Hostler, Florabel Packard, Christa Rask Pete Hopkins

Multimedia: Norm Kalat, 2 Vacancies

Ushers/Greeters: No Recommendations

Worship: Jessica Boucher (Leader), Randi Heine, Steve Taylor


Check Signers: JoAnn Ketner, Kathryn Moody, Jeannie West

Money Counters: Kathryn Moody, Sandy Olivier, Mary Rothermel

Mercy Care Ministry: Wendi Knowles, Florabel Packard, JoAnn Taylor